Author: Kloepfel
The management consultancy Kloepfel Consulting, which is specialized in supply chains, randomly surveyed 108 German managers of medium-sized companies across all industries about their biggest concerns. The anonymous online survey took place from 03.08.2022 to 14.09.2022. Ranking of the biggest concerns of German managers 71% are very worried about bottlenecks or outages in the gas and electricity supply. Likewise, 71% are very worried about rising costs (e.g., materials, warehousing, personnel, logistics). Disrupted supply chains are a major headache for 57%. Geopolitical risks cause great anxiety for every second respondent. A lack of skilled workers is a major problem for 43%…
Procurement Consultant (f/m/d) Junior Procurement Consultant (f/m/d)
HWWI Commodity Price Index Declines in September HHWWI overall index falls by 3.9 % (US dollar basis)Price index for natural gas falls by 3.6Price index for industrial raw materials declines by 5.9 (Hamburg, October 10, 2022) Compared with the previous month, the HWWI commodity price index fell by a total of 3.9% in September. Except for the sub-index for food, beverages and tobacco (+0.3%), all segments of the overall index fell. The sharpest decline was in industrial raw materials (-5.9%). However, energy commodities also fell by 4%. “The situation on the commodity markets continues to be largely determined by the…
Adapting to supply chain disruptions Since the Corona crisis, the majority of German companies have taken certain measures to adapt to supply chains. This is shown by a survey conducted by the Ifo Institute in which 4,000 companies participated in July 2022. In industry, 87 percent of the companies surveyed changed their procurement strategies as a result of supply chain disruptions. In wholesale, 76 percent did so, and in retail, 63 percent of companies did so. “In an earlier survey conducted in May 2021, even less than half of the companies said they wanted to adjust their procurement strategy,” Ifo…
Electrification and decarbonization of the transport network Over the next five years, Amazon plans to invest more than one billion euros in the additional electrification and decarbonization of its own European transport network. In this way, the company says it wants to ensure more sustainable delivery to its customers. More than 400 million euros are to flow to Germany. In addition, the investment will serve to further develop innovations across the entire traffic and transport sector, as well as to expand the charging infrastructure. As a result of the new investment, thousands more electric vehicles will be added to the…
New high for Germany In September 2022, the inflation rate in Germany rose to +10.0 percent. The month before, it was still +7.9 percent. As Dr. Georg Thiel, President of the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis), explains, the ten percent inflation rate is a new high for Germany. In particular, he said, the substantial price increases for energy products were responsible for the high inflation. “But we are also increasingly observing price increases for many other goods, especially food. In addition, the expiry of the 9-euro ticket and fuel rebate have exacerbated the upward price trend in September 2022,” Thiel added.…
How the Kloepfel Group’s customers are preparing for gas shortages The companies are thinking intensively about the energy supply (gas, electricity, heat) in their own factory and some of them have set up a task force. In addition to the supply, the companies are struggling with the dramatic price development, which is currently coming to a head. The issue often comes up on the agenda as part of risk management. 10 measures taken by companies to counter gas shortages Convert secondary fuel plant from gas to oil.Procure additional emergency generators.Oil or diesel for existing and new emergency generators are purchased…
„World´s Best Management Consulting Firms 2022“ The American business magazine Forbes has presented its listing of the “World’s Best Management Consulting Firms” for the first time this year. Kloepfel Group is very pleased to be part of this exclusive group of the world’s best consultants. The list was created in partnership with the statistics portal Statista. Statista combined the results of its top lists for the USA, Germany, France, Great Britain, Switzerland and Japan. The study is based on numerous recommendations from consultants and clients of consulting firms. Only 230 consulting firms were able to convince these critical experts and…
Supply bottlenecks closed via international supplier networks Working with Kloepfel Consulting to leverage alternative sources to manufacturers. Autor: Shapur Kaikhosrowi, Manager The pandemic poses major challenges for many companies. At the beginning, many of our clients did not know how severe the impact of the Corona pandemic will be on business activities. This manifested itself in material shortages caused, for example, by logistics chains that no longer functioned and one-way container shipments. During 2020, many companies adapted to the framework conditions. Topics such as security of supply, supplier and risk management, but also production capacities were high on the agenda.…
How purchasing successfully deals with inflation Author Thomas Wandler, Senior Partner at Kloepfel Consulting Whether electricity, cotton or wood, almost everything that companies need for production processes is currently becoming more expensive. In many cases, this means that the company’s own margins are shrinking considerably. However, this development is not unavoidable. You can counteract it by taking the right measures in purchasing. Sometimes it is even possible to turn the tables. Inflation then turns from a margin eater into a margin driver. Here you will find tips on how to proceed correctly and which purchasing decisions are particularly important. The…
Individual. Fast. Sustainable. Are you all of a sudden without a purchasing manager, CPO or head of supply chain due to illness or other reasons? Your order books are full and your purchasing department is running hot? Then we offer you interim managers from the network of Kloepfel Consulting within 48 hours according to your individual requirements. On top of that, our interim managers have access to international supplier databases of the multiple award-winning Kloepfel Consulting. Rely on interim managers with heart, mind and the profound knowledge of Kloepfel Consulting to master your purchasing challenges stress-free. Your advantages Save time…
HWWI commodity price index rises further in August HWWI overall index rose by 10.8 % (US dollar basis)Natural gas prices increased by 40.9Crude oil prices fell by 7 (Hamburg, September 16, 2022) The HWWI commodity price index continued to rise in August compared with the previous month. On average, commodity prices rose by 10.8%. However, the individual sub-indices (energy commodities, industrial commodities, food and beverages) developed unevenly. The index for food, beverages and tobacco fell by 0.6%, and the index for industrial raw materials rose only moderately by 1.5%. The rise in prices for energy raw materials was more pronounced.…
Procurement Consultant (f/m/d) Junior Procurement Consultant (f/m/d)
Best possible implementation of the principles of the circular economy The BMW Group recently announced that it had implemented various projects in packaging logistics to further save resources. The aim is to work with suppliers to reduce CO2 emissions and implement the principles of the circular economy in the best possible way. Recycled material for packaging In this context, the automotive group mentions that it is increasingly using recycled material for packaging in its European plants. As a result, he said, the recyclate ratio in new contracts for reusable packaging in logistics will almost double this year, from around 20…
Energy and material costs as biggest challenges The German plastics industry is very pessimistic about the consequences of the Ukraine war and inflation. This is evident from the results of the current business survey, which is conducted online every six months by the industry information service Kunststoff Information (KI). The 43rd business survey in the series of the so-called KI Dialog took place between June 27 and July 22. A total of 563 companies in the plastics industry took part. Crisis mood According to KI, the German plastics industry is looking into the abyss. The information service’s press release goes…
Increase of 37.2% compared to the same month of the previous year in July Producer prices of industrial products rose 37.2 percent from July 2021 to July 2022, according to the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis). This would be the highest increase compared to the previous year since the survey began in 1949, Destatis reported. Producer prices were 5.3 percent higher in July 2022 compared with June 2022, also revealing an increase record compared to the previous month since the survey began, according to the agency’s press release. Energy prices more than doubled According to Destatis, the price development for energy…
Procurement Consultant (f/m/d) Junior Procurement Consultant (f/m/d)
Subdued expectations reflected in falling prices for crude oil and industrial raw materials
HWWI commodity price index driven by gas price HWWI overall index rose by 1.8% (US dollar basis)Natural gas prices increased by 29.8%Crude oil prices fell by 10.6%Industrial raw material prices fell by 11.6% (Hamburg, August 12, 2022) The HWWI commodity price index rose by an average of 1.8% in July compared with the previous month. While the index for energy commodities rose by 3.9% in July, the index for industrial commodities fell by 11.6% and the index for food and beverages by 9.5%. The high weighting of energy commodities in the overall index led to the further increase of the…