Author: Kloepfel

63% expect partial production losses Kloepfel Consulting, a management consultancy specializing in supply chains, surveyed 119 companies across all industries online from July 04, 2022 to July 12, 2022 about the looming energy crisis. 42% find energy policy of the federal government mediocre As good to very good assesses every fourth respondent the crisis management of the federal government of an energy crisis looming in the coming winter. 42% find the crisis management mediocre. Just under one in three respondents says the federal government is doing a poor job. 68% can only partially prepare for an energy crisis One in…

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Utilization of research allowance for companies below expectations Research allowance of up to €1 million p.a. for the period 2020 to 2025Stifterverband estimates: only around two-thirds of R&D-active companies are aware of research grantsApplications submitted fall short of expectationsChallenging hurdles for applications Research allowance: up to €1 million p.a. On 01.01.2020, the Law on Tax Subsidies for Research and Development (FZulG; BGBl I p. 2763) came into force. This law enables every company to claim a research allowance of up to €1 million p.a. of their allowable research expenses in the period 2020 to 2025 and can be offset against…

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Exports up 4.2 percent Exports from Germany to countries outside the European Union increased by 4.2 percent in June this year compared with the previous month. Based on preliminary results, the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) further reports that, adjusted for calendar and seasonal effects, goods worth 60.8 billion euros were sold abroad in June. In June 2022, not calendar- and seasonally adjusted goods worth 60.7 billion euros were exported to non-EU countries. Compared to June 2021, there was a 12.5 percent increase in exports in June 2022. USA as most important trading partner In June 2022, the most important trading…

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New location in Hungary Logistics company Fiege has built a new single-user center for zooplus SE. Near the capital Budapest, Fiege says it will provide warehousing as well as value-added services on approximately 41,000 square meters of logistics space. According to Fiege, more than 500 employees are expected to work at the logistics center by the end of 2024. Currently, 220 workers are employed there, he said. As Gergely Hepp, Managing Director of Fiege’s Central Eastern Europe business unit, indicates, the site in Hungary is the second logistics center opened for Europe’s leading online retailer of pet supplies. “The central…

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Price increase of 32.7 percent In June 2022, producer prices of industrial products increased by 32.7 percent compared to the same month last year. As reported by the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis), the year-on-year price increase had again weakened. In May of this year, the price increase compared to the same month last year was still 33.6 percent. The main reason for this was rising energy prices. Prices for energy increased by about 86.1 percent compared to June 2021, with natural gas prices in particular rising by 141.1 percent and electric power by 93.3 percent. Increases in the price of…

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Drivers can earn money with their e-car thanks to the GHG premiumProviders such as or pay, for example, 300 euros within 24 hours of online registrationHolistic whitelabel solution and API connection also relevant for fleets in particular The Kloepfel Group founders – Marc Kloepfel and Duran Sarikaya – participate in the national market leader in the field of GHG quota. Both product and service create enormous added value, not only for individual customers but especially for companies in the fleet sector. This can now be used by all Kloepfel Group customers. Ensuring the recurring monetization of e-vehicles and…

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Finding the right supplier together with Kloepfel The pandemic presented many companies with major challenges. At the beginning, many of our customers did not know how severe the impact of the Corona pandemic would be on business activities. As 2020 progressed, many companies adapted to the framework. Issues such as security of supply, supplier and risk management, and also production capacity were high on the agenda. Some companies were even able to profit from the situation, as evidenced by considerably filled order books – among others in the wood processing industry. Consumers invested in their homes and property, resulting in…

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Earning money despite moon prices? From margin killer to margin lever The wave of inflation is bringing drastic price increases and causing margins to melt like ice in the sun for many entrepreneurs. “We are happy if we get material at all and grudgingly accept the exorbitant prices now and then.”the managing director of a mechanical engineering company recently told us Unnecessarily. Because with Kloepfel Consulting you sail through the inflation wave without breaking the mast. Together we anticipate essential price trends in the procurement markets. In front of the surf, your purchasing department is the catalyst for the topic.…

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Production of electrolyzers to begin in mid-2023 The gas company Air Liquide and Siemens Energy announce the creation of a joint venture that will be dedicated to the series production of electrolysers for renewable hydrogen in Europe. The aim of this joint venture is to create a sustainable hydrogen economy in Europe. The European ecosystem for electrolysis and hydrogen technology will also be promoted. This was announced by Air Liquide in a press release. Production is expected to begin in the second half of 2023 and ramp up to an annual production capacity of three gigawatts by 2025. Stacks production…

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No end to supply bottlenecks in sight Companies expect the shortage of materials in German industry to continue for another ten months. This is shown by a survey conducted by the Ifo Institute. 74.1 percent of the companies surveyed complained about bottlenecks and difficulties in the procurement of intermediate products as well as raw materials. In the month before, 77.2 percent of the companies complained about this. “The hoped-for easing in supply chains is shifting further and further back,” comments Klaus Wohlrabe, head of Ifo Surveys. He adds that supply bottlenecks have become part of everyday life for many companies.…

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Weakening around 0.3 percent In June 2022, the inflation rate in Germany decreased slightly. Compared with the same month last year, the inflation rate rose by 7.6 percent and was thus 0.3 percent below the May 2022 level, the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) reported. Dr. Georg Thiel, President of the Federal Statistical Office, cited rising prices for energy products as the main reason for the high inflation rate. “The 9-euro ticket and the fuel discount had a slightly dampening effect on overall inflation in June 2022,” adds Dr. Georg Thiel. Rising energy prices Energy products were 38.0 percent more expensive…

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HWWI commodity price index shows mixed trend HWWI overall index rose by 1.9% (US dollar basis)Crude oil prices rose by 4.8%Industrial raw materials decreased by 9%Overall level remained high (69.1% above June) (Hamburg, July 14, 2022) The HWWI commodity price index rose by an average of 1.9% in June compared with the previous month. Of the three sub-indices reflected in the overall index (index for energy commodities, index for industrial commodities, and index for food, beverages and tobacco), the index for industrial commodities fell again in June, this time by 9%. The index for food, beverages and tobacco fell by…

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HWWI commodity price index falls but remains at high level HWWI overall index fell by 2.7% (US dollar basis)Crude oil prices increased by 5.8%Natural gas prices decreased by 20.3%Overall level remains high (76.1% above May 2021) (Hamburg, June 15, 2022) The HWWI commodity price index fell by an average of 2.7% in May compared to the previous month. Of the three sub-indices reflected in the overall index (index for energy commodities, index for industrial commodities and index for food, beverages and tobacco), the index for industrial commodities fell by 8.2% and the index for energy commodities by 2.2% in May.…

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Compleo Charging Solutions AG Interview with Gerrit Kehrenberg, Head of Purchasing at Compleo Charging Solutions AG Compleo is on a strong growth path thanks to e-mobility. How is your purchasing department coping with this? The basis of successful purchasing is a strong team. However, teamwork and maintaining team spirit are a real challenge under the conditions of corona rules and working in a home office. Nevertheless, we are working on optimally coordinating with each other as a team even in digital collaboration and maintaining team spirit even remotely. This is very important because the challenges are enormous in view of…

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Employee interview with Rebecca Louisa Stahlhacke In an employee interview, Rebecca Stahlhacke, Senior Consultant at Kloepfel Consulting GmbH, tells us how she got her job and how she always challenges herself. What was your application process like? My rather unconventional application process started almost 3 years ago and with the head of department. I was then invited to the Düsseldorf for a personal meeting followed by a call with an offer and a contract. Shortly after my graduation I started working at Kloepfel. Why did you decide on this job at that time? It was important to me to find…

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German exporters show more optimism As reported by the Ifo Institute, the mood among German exporters is brightening. While Ifo export expectations were still at plus 3.0 points in April 2022, they increased to plus 4.5 points in May. However, logistics problems continue to weigh on German industry. According to the Ifo Institute, there is currently no great momentum in exports. Export prospects In the automotive industry, the export outlook brightened again. However, manufacturers do not currently expect any major increase in foreign sales. By contrast, manufacturers of electrical equipment continue to anticipate ongoing export growth. In the mechanical engineering…

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