Author: Kloepfel
HWWI-Rohstoffpreisindex steigt weiter zum Ende des Jahres HWWI overall index increased by 11.3 % (US dollar basis) Crude oil prices rose by 13.7 % Iron ore prices increased by 23.6% (Hamburg, January 15, 2021) The HWWI commodity price index continued to rise in December by an average of 11.3 % compared to the previous month and was 10.8 % below the corresponding monthly value of the previous year. The global start of the Corona virus vaccinations raised hopes for an economic recovery in 2021 and led to significant price increases on almost all commodity markets. Crude oil prices continued to…
Project goals exceeded despite Corona In this interview, Andreas Riem, managing partner of Hengstler Zylinder GmbH, talks about the recent purchasing optimization project. In this project, the savings targets set during the potential analysis were exceeded. Mr. Riem also describes the corona-related focus on digital communication solutions. At the same time, he explains how the change from initial skepticism to great satisfaction among employees and suppliers was accomplished. What was the focus of the joint project with Kloepfel Consulting? The focus was on cost optimization around purchasing. Here it was not only about price reduction, but about holistic cost reduction.…
HWWI Commodity Price Index Continues to Rise in November HWWI overall index increased by 4.7% (US dollar basis) Crude oil prices increased 5.9% Cereal prices increased by 7% (Hamburg, December 9, 2020) The HWWI commodity price index increased by an average of 4.7% in November compared to the previous month and is 18% lower than the corresponding monthly value of the previous year. In November, prices on international commodity markets continued to be influenced by the ongoing Corona pandemic. In Europe in particular, infection figures rose and again prompted the introduction of strict lockdown measures in many European countries. However,…
Want to bet we’ll find savings in your purchasing, too? We bet you the fee for our workshop that we will also identify high time and cost guzzlers in your company. If we lose, we will donate the workshop fee of €6,500 to a good cause of your choice. If we win, you donate the €6,500 wager to your charity of choice. Either way, the money will be donated to a good cause. The price pressure on all industries is constantly increasing. We know that your buyers are doing their best. However, buyers often lack the time necessary to sustainably…
Kloepfel Corporate Finance opens Frankfurt office headed by Sven-Roger von Schilling Another important German location in addition to the company head office in Munich and Duesseldorf Sven-Roger von Schilling won as a partner KCF continues to grow and strengthen its consulting offering On 1st of December Kloepfel Corporate Finance GmbH (KCF) opened its third location with its Frankfurt office: Sven-Roger von Schilling will head the new office of the international M&A and corporate finance consultancy. KCF has chosen an economically attractive location for its new office: As a rapidly growing M&A and corporate finance boutique, it is now also located…
Interview with Dr. Heiko Frank, CEO of Kloepfel Corporate Finance There is movement in the financial market – and this also applies to Kloepfel Corporate Finance: by strategically expanding its team and locations, the M&A boutique is strengthening itself for international business deals. Dr. Heiko Frank, Managing Director of Kloepfel Corporate Finance, tells us what is important when selling companies, what impulses the new colleagues bring with them and how the Corona crisis is affecting the M&A business. Mr. Frank, what are the main focuses of Kloepfel Corporate Finance? We are an M&A boutique and focus on the purchase and…
The year 2020 was turbulent and put us to the test with difficult situations. To still keep the chaos under control we give you our best advice into the new year 2021 with and present you at the end of the year our top 10 articles from 2020. How Buyers ride the Corona Waves: Key Insights from Procurement For most companies corona came out of nowhere and was an unprecedented shock. At first far away, it started in China, then suddenly appeared in Italy, and after that spread across Europe and the entire globe. Soon it became clear that…
Innovative tooling helps us to find the best match In a tumultuous year for M&A, Kloepfel CF came into the spotlight with a number of high-profile transactions. The Munich-based boutique is a business unit of the international Kloepfel Group. It focuses on Mergers & Acquisitions in the SME segment and advises and supports national and international companies, family offices and private equity funds in their transaction matters, both on the buy- and sell- side. It also advises on related financing issues. The firm was founded by Heiko Frank in 2016. In August of this year, Kloepfel CF advised the shareholders…
For most companies corona came out of nowhere and was an unprecedented shock. At first far away, it started in China, then suddenly appeared in Italy, and after that spread across Europe and the entire globe. Soon it became clear that there would be a potential impact on entire value chains, which have been built up over the last 25 years in the drive for globalization. How buyers coped with the new challenge, and which measures Kloepfel Consulting advised, tells us Dr. Stephan Hofstetter, Partner and Head of the Kloepfel Academy. Taking Responsibility: The Right Advise at the Right Time…
Since the beginning of 2020, Office Mix GmbH and Kloepfel Consulting have been leading a strategic partnership. The aim of this cooperation is to procure the best office supplies, hygiene products, printed matter and promotional items at the best conditions for the customers of Office Mix. During the project, Kloepfel Consulting convinced above all as a reliable and capable business partner. Together they found good ways to offer the customers double-digit savings compared to the initial situation and thus to achieve a satisfactory result for all parties involved. “The project is handled quickly and pragmatically – it is especially noteworthy…
Together with Kloepfel, Hengstler Zylinder GmbH pursued the goal of optimizing its purchasing activities and thus achieving sustainable success. The individual approach for each product group enabled both a significant optimization of the cost level with the existing partners and the identification and development of competitive new partners. “Particularly noteworthy is the handling of the Corona Pandemic, which occurred shortly before the start of the project, and the associated considerable restrictions regarding personal contacts. Mr. Tobias Möller, as the link between Kloepfel Consulting and Hengstler Zylinder, has acted excellently and together with Mr. Schmidtgen has designed an exemplary digital project…
Renewal program “Future Brose” includes job cuts The Coburg-based automotive supplier Brose says it is pushing ahead with its transformation. This involves job cuts, as the family-owned company reveals in its press release. “Future Brose” With its “Future Brose” renewal program, the automotive supplier intends to secure its competitiveness and return to profitable growth. This is to be accompanied by investments in innovative technologies, expansion of the international production network and improvement of cost structures. Ulrich Schrickel, CEO of the Brose Group, explains: “In order to position Brose for the long term, we are relying on three central levers. We…
Promoting sustainable supply chains Food company Nestlé announces that it is stepping up its commitment to combating climate change. According to the corresponding press release, the focus is on regenerative agriculture. Likewise, electricity is to be switched to renewable energy. Reducing CO2 emissions to net zero Last week, Nestlé presented a detailed action plan. According to the company, measures will be taken to halve the Group’s emissions by 2030 and reduce them to net zero by 2050. This will be done while factoring in expected growth, the company stresses. Regenerative agriculture One of Nestlé’s priorities is to support farmers and…
“Supplier of the Year 2019” awards for special achievements. Continental has honored its best suppliers in its Automotive and Powertrain Technologies divisions with the “Supplier of the Year 2019” awards. Twelve of 900 strategic series suppliers received one of the awards during a virtual ceremony at the end of October. To select the award winners, Continental has conducted a broad-based analysis every year since 2008. Among other things, the focus is on special contributions at all levels of quality, technology and purchasing conditions. Large purchasing volume Some figures in the press release on the award ceremony illustrate the relatively large…
HWWI commodity price index increases slightly in October HWWI overall index rose by 3.1 % (US dollar basis) Crude oil prices fell by -0.7 Grain prices increased by 7%. (Hamburg, November 11, 2020) The HWWI commodity price index recorded a slight average increase in October compared to the previous month. Developments on the raw material markets were significantly affected by the rising corona infection figures in the USA and Europe, especially in the second half of October. The announcement of further lockdown measures in many European countries led to falling prices on the crude oil markets in the second half…
Dr. Christoph Hantel, head of the Volkshochschule Ulm, about the purchasing project with Kloepfel What were the goals of the project? As Volkshochschule Ulm, a center for adult education, we want to offer our course participants as well as our permanent and freelance employees the best service with our budgets. Therefore, it was obvious for me to investigate the purchase of goods and services. This is expressly not about the fees of our first-class course instructors, but about purchasing topics. For example, we look at the purchase of teaching materials, office supplies, marketing printed matter, cleaning services, craft services, electricity,…
Dutch dairy group plans major job cuts As the Dutch cooperative dairy company FrieslandCampina announced on Tuesday, it intends to cut around 1,000 jobs. This is the result of a press release in which it was announced that the change will be accelerated. The focus will be on growth, structural cost savings and optimization of the organization. The direct and indirect effects of the Corona pandemic are cited as the reason for the cost-cutting measures. High cost savings planned The Group is hoping to save more than 100 million Euro per year in structural costs from 2022 onwards, with the…
Focus on cloud services The traditional American IT group IBM recently announced that it will split up. The company intends to concentrate on cloud computing. At the same time, the business unit for IT services will be spun off into a new company. This is also to be listed on the stock exchange. The spin-off should be completed by the end of 2021. IBM sees a growing market for the cloud segment. Arvind Krishna, IBM Chief Executive Officer, speaks of a $1 trillion market opportunity for hybrid cloud applications. A hybrid cloud is a combination of public and private clouds.…