Competition And Partnership As The Key To Success
In this interview, Marius Hoppensack, Manager at Kloepfel Consulting, provides exclusive insights into the goals and processes of supplier days. Read about the importance of supplier days for purchasing, but also for our customers’ production.
What are the main objectives of a supplier day?
The main purpose is to identify ideal suppliers for predefined product groups in order to reduce costs. Often, a supplier day also has the side effect of uncovering opportunities to develop products in such a way that they can be manufactured more cost-effectively. For example, by using cheaper production processes that the existing supplier does not have. Our colleagues at Kloepfel Engineering therefore analyze how parts can be manufactured more cost-effectively using alternative production processes or materials as part of “Design to Cost”, regardless of the supplier. On this basis, more alternative suppliers can then be put out to tender. True to the motto “Comparison makes you rich”, a supplier day increases competition among suppliers, which ultimately leads to better prices.
How exactly does a supplier day work?
A supplier day ensures that all suppliers have the same level of information and can offer accordingly. It is particularly important to us to treat existing suppliers with respect and in a spirit of partnership in order to strengthen established relationships and trust. An intensive exchange about possible adjustments to components and processes is also important in order to minimize the effort for suppliers and create mutual benefits.
With new suppliers, the aim is always to provide them with comprehensive information about our customers’ requirements and expectations and to get to know their expertise.
Accompanying topics that often lead to challenges during changeovers – such as the coordination of logistics, packaging regulations and other aspects – are also discussed.
How do suppliers actively contribute to the innovation partnership?
During a supplier day, suppliers provide valuable input on which customer requirements increase their costs and how even small adjustments to drawings can significantly simplify production. We experience this time and again. This also makes it possible to increase the selection of suppliers for a product group. This in turn leads to better prices and minimizes delivery risks.
Alternative suppliers in particular often provide new insights into which adjustments are required so that the products can be manufactured by a larger number of suppliers.
Our customers’ development departments find this exchange very interesting. Ideally, suppliers are involved in product development at an early stage in order to keep it as lean and cost-effective as possible.
What is particularly important when preparing for a supplier day?
Switching items to new suppliers is usually a complex task and can only succeed if the existing and alternative suppliers can meet the requirements. For this reason, the basic specifications are agreed in detail with our customers’ quality department in advance so that only those suppliers who actually meet these specific requirements are invited.
How are the suppliers evaluated?
The quality of the products supplied is the top priority. Together with the customer, we also evaluate on-time delivery and personal communication with the suppliers. From these criteria – communication, quality and on-time delivery – we determine a score that evaluates the supplier. This score also serves as a basis for replacing suppliers who deviate significantly in one of the three areas.
Why is a supplier day with Kloepfel valuable for every customer?
The direct exchange with several suppliers on the same topics strengthens the strategic orientation of purchasing. The involvement of suppliers and the cross-departmental discussions with departments such as sales, development and quality management make it possible to look at challenges from different perspectives. This promotes understanding of the purchasing processes and improves internal communication within purchasing.

Kloepfel Group
Damir Berberovic
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