Marcus Schilling talks about Kloepfel Consulting’s supplier cooperations
Once again our motto is “We do not talk. We just do it!”. In our interview Marcus Schilling, Senior Partner of Kloepfel Consulting GmbH, talks about the advantages of partner suppliers of Kloepfel. These include, for example, suppliers for IT, mechanical engineering and trade. Currently, further partner suppliers who have convinced in practice are being included in the system. The partners get tested several times a year and can therefore be recommended with a clear conscience.
1. Mr. Schilling, how many supplier profiles are currently in the Kloepfel Consulting system?
So far we have been able to include two handfuls of proven suppliers in our system – the Kloepfel eProcurement Platform. In the process, we have defined exactly which services are offered and which industries can benefit from them. Currently our system has suppliers for the sectors IT, mechanical engineering and trade.
2. What is the procedure behind the acquisition of suppliers?
On one hand, we can assess the suppliers in a practical manner while we are on the projects. In this way, the experience of our customers is directly taken into account, which makes the assessment even more efficient. On the other hand, we receive recommendations from both sides, each of which has gained experience in working together. As soon as we have discovered a potential partner supplier, we submit a request for a portfolio of the product range. Through this offer we find out which areas can be covered at which conditions. Thanks to this pre-defined information, we continuously expand the portfolio and continue to cover the needs of our customers. If the scope of the service is appropriate, we also connect our customers via the eProcurement platform.
3. How can suppliers apply to become part of the eProcurement platform?
If you are interested, please contact me or my colleague Jens Streber. As soon as the request is received, we will check if the product range fits the profile of our customers. Further meetings will then be arranged to determine the conditions, after which the contract will be drawn up. This contract contains details about the working method, tenders as well as updates of the assortment. The projects are discussed and implemented together.
4. Is there a specific evaluation system?
The focus is on success. This includes good prices, communication and a satisfied customer. For example, if a supplier has good prices but cannot deliver on time and the contact person cannot be reached, even the best price is not good.
5. What are the requirements for a trustworthy supplier?
This is easy: There should be a good service and adequate support so that the customer can always get in touch. Reliability and open communication are also important. It should also be possible to allocate the right articles. A wide range of products brings great advantages and reduces complexity. Of course, this also includes a good price.
6. Is there a special search for potential partners abroad?
It depends. For example, you don’t have to search directly abroad for office supplies, as these are already available in Germany at good prices. For packaging, on the other hand, you can also look outside Germany. There, we tend to look for cooperation in other European countries.
7. What are the advantages for customers using the eProcurement platform?
Thanks to our preparatory work, we can offer an overview of all suppliers that have been checked. These are then displayed as in a catalogue, which makes the price advantage visible to our customer. It is also very time-saving as we can provide all information in advance without the customer having to worry about it. It is like the Amazon star rating, except that in this case we are the only ones who can rate. Furthermore, good conditions have been negotiated in advance and experience is also available. Thus, good services are collected, which have already proven themselves in advance.
8. How often are the conditions negotiated in advance checked?
We regularly check the assortment of our suppliers. Over the year, we carry out such an examination 3-4 times. In this way we always have a good overview.
Thank you very much for the interview, Mr Schilling!
Interview partner:
Marcus Schilling
Kloepfel Consulting GmbH
Senior Partner
Tel.: +4921187545323