Individual. Fast. Sustainable.
Shipping goods is expensive and often the invoiced freight is incorrect and higher than agreed. Invoiced freight rates differ by up to 5% from what was agreed to. A complex tariff structure and countless ancillary charges make a fully manual check very time-consuming. A fully automated invoice verification provides a remedy. With ‘best-in-class’ software and the expertise of our logistics experts, we uncover incorrect invoices, free your staff from tedious and time-consuming tasks, and create a transparent database for freight service purchasing.
2-fold leverage of savings
Creation of 100% transparency
Benefit from expert knowledge and best-in-class software
• Reduction / elimination of own time efforts and optimization of process costs
• Up to 5% savings due to incorrect and overcharged freight costs as well as 100% verification of all shipments
• Generation of a perfect database for logistics purchasing (RFQ)
• Clear reporting for the total freight costs
• Systematic tariff filing + account assignment options for all carriers used
• Multiple experts for each mode of transport (air, ocean freight, road, CEP, etc.) in freight forwarding accounting and freight purchasing
• Use of “best-in-class” freight bill auditing software with broad knowledge of rate structures and billing methods
Ø 3.0 % savings on invoiced freight costs
With the help of our experts and digitalized efficient invoice verification
Time saving by relieving your expert personnel
Taking over the tedious and time-consuming freight invoice verification process
We digitize your freight invoice auditing. This will save you time and reduce costs in the long term!
Kloepfel Group
Christopher Willson
Tel.: 0211 941 984 33
Pempelforter Str. 50
40211 Duesseldorf