A corona outbreak in a company not only affects the health of the employees but can also threaten the existence of the entire company. Through serious losses, exploding costs, the damage caused to the company’s reputation – and in the worst case, plant closures. Kloepfel HRS helps you with the right protection and hygiene measures and confirms these with certifications, explains doctor and infection protection expert Nadine Balzer.
Ms Balzer, the media are currently reporting on companies that must close sites due to corona infections among their employees. What are these companies doing wrong?
As a rule, it is usually gapping in the infection protection concept that allow the virus to enter the company. Or even worse: There is no concept at all. Some companies are not yet aware that they must take responsibility for themselves as long as the pandemic lasts. Unfortunately, relying on government measures is not enough.
What measures can companies take to prevent infection? Are these measures the same for all companies?
Before the measures are implemented, a well-founded catalogue of criteria is needed to determine “What is considered safe?” In this respect, we are guided by governmental recommendations and those of the World Health Organization (WHO). Added to this is the irreplaceable expertise from previous projects, which is also a unique selling point of our team. On this basis, we first carry out an analysis within the company and identify weaknesses. Only then do we develop the concept with the appropriate measures. It is important that they are both effective and pragmatic to implement.
How does Kloepfel HR Solutions proceed to ensure that the measures are implemented?
We offer ongoing audits to ensure that the measures are adhered to even after initial implementation. In this way, companies can always be sure that the health of their employees is protected.
You offer a certificate after checking the measures. What is the advantage of this?
The name Kloepfel is common in the economy and above all it stands for quality. Our certificate shows that the management protects the health of its employees and customers. For this purpose, we provide versions for posting and online seals. The certificate is constantly updated with our reviews.
How long do audit and certification take?
That can be a few days, but it depends on the complexity of the company and, above all, the number and distribution of locations. We involve as many different departments and stakeholders as possible in the analysis, such as HR, security officers, facility management, works council and the company doctor. If several trips by our team are necessary and larger facilities must be assessed, it takes correspondingly longer. In the case of small companies, it may be possible to issue the certificate on the same day of the first inspection.
And if an infection does occur?
That is extremely unlikely. But once we have certified a company, it is verifiable that everything humanly possible has been done to prevent infection. If a case does occur even then, it is clear: It was force majeure and the company is not at fault. Also, the transmission is easier to contain. That is what we stand for.
Mrs Balzer, thank you for the interview!
You want to protect your company against Corona and bad press? Then our team of experts around Nadine Balzer will gladly help you.
Nadine Balzer
Head of infection prevention counselling
Tel.: +49 211 875 453 23
Mail: info@kloepfel-hrs.com