How to outsource Trouble Shooting in Purchasing
Depending on the size of the company, buyers are sometimes disturbed hundreds of times a year in their daily business by the procurement of rare requirements. Tasks that are significantly more value-adding for the company are left behind. Find out in this article how Kloepfel Services reacted to this and how medium-sized companies benefit from our solutions.
The area of special procurement not only annoys purchasing, but also costs too much money. Particularly in the indirect area, the process and personnel costs for the procurement of rarely needed products or services are often far too high. The buyer must investigate the article, then he must analyse the supplier structure, categorize suppliers as creditors and potentially submit a tender with higher order values. Then, he must check whether the order has arrived and compare the invoice with the purchase order. In case of doubt, complaints are added.
This rat tail is very complex, and to illustrate it: the article costs 70 euro. Nevertheless, the wage and process costs behind it are a multiple higher. According to the BME study “Top key figures in purchasing – average values 2018”, the average cost per order transaction is on average 100 euros.
Reducing the number of suppliers to one contact person
With the spot-buy service and the one-creditor model from Kloepfel Services, our customer now has just one contact for all special requirements instead of many different creditors. It doesn’t matter whether it’s rare indirect requirements, MRO requirements (maintenance, repair and operation) or the procurement of capital goods (capex). Only Kloepfel Services still appears in the customer’s ERP system.
Invoice consolidation with the one-vendor solution
Depending on the customer’s wishes, Kloepfel Services will send him a collective or individual invoice for the material costs at the end of the month. On that invoice, all items are listed transparently and comprehensible.
Email is sufficient
All special requirements that the buyer cannot find in his ERP system or catalogues can be procured economically via Kloepfel Services. One e-mail is enough. Depending on the urgency, Kloepfel Services reacts accordingly quickly. It goes without saying that each of our customers has a personal German-speaking contact person who visits the customer on site for important coordination.
Transparency through purchasing cockpit
Thanks to the buyer cockpit from Kloepfel Services, the buyer can have the status of his orders checked selectively as required or request comprehensive reports in real time from his contact person. The 100% transparency gives the customer 100% control over all outsourced purchasing processes and activities.
Have special requirements entered in the ERP system
In addition, Kloepfel Services maintains the special requirements in the customer’s ERP systems. The purchasing department does not have to enter the individual items of the procured products and services into its system. If desired, the customer can also have his master data put in order.
Practical example: Online retailer fulfils every customer wish
A retail example shows how Kloepfel Services also strengthens customer service. For example, a large electronics retailer ensures that customers can order almost anything they want in terms of computers, mobile phones and electronics on its website. Even if the retailer does not have the products in his assortment at all.
This is how it works: A customer orders a product that is not in the product range using an online form. The electronics retailer then simply forwards the order to Kloepfel Services, where the order is placed. The customer then receives the product promptly under the flag of the online retailer. This saves the retailer both process costs and a lot of time and, above all, enables him to satisfy his customers, who then return to the online shop again and again.
Complaints? Kloepfel Services takes over!
Kloepfel Services can also deal with complaints about orders. If, for example, the buyer is dissatisfied with the goods ordered, he simply contacts his personal contact person who takes care of everything for him.
10 advantages for Outsourcing of special procurement
1. Request uncomplicated price comparisons for special requirements via online form.
2. Simple ordering of special (requirements) by online form.
3. Relief from purchasing, invoice verification and bookkeeping through spot-buy service & one-vendor model.
4. Process costs are reduced.
5. Fixed costs are made variable.
6. Focus on your core competencies and customers.
7. Improve purchasing service internally.
8. Increase the value of purchasing.
9. Flexible outsourcing partner who adapts to you.
10. Full control through 100 percent transparency.
Nazir Jarrah
Managing Director Kloepfel Services