Together with Kloepfel e.GO pursued the goal of being able to offer the customer a low-priced electric car with a cost-efficient purchase of the components.
Already during the product development unnecessary expenditures should be avoided to guarantee a procurement optimized purchase. Here, Kloepfel Consulting once again acted as partner and supporter throughout the entire process.
“Already in the potential analysis we were convinced by the announced saving possibilities. We also liked the different measures that were implemented. This applied to tenders as well as outsourcing projects up to capex purchasing”. – Theodor Determann, CFO – member of the board and member of the supervisory board.
Are you also looking for a reliable partner for your purchasing? We are here for you! Please visit our website or contact us by phone at+49 211 874 45 323.
About Next.e.GO Mobile SE:
e.GO was founded in 2015 by Prof. Dr. Günther Schuh as a manufacturer of electric vehicles. In agile teams, the roughly 450 employees work on various low-cost and particularly durable electric vehicles for short-distance traffic. On the campus of RWTH Aachen they use the unique network of research facilities and the connection to more than 400 technology companies. Since 2018 the company has been developing and producing the electric car e.GO Life in the Aachen Rothe Erde industrial park.
e.GO reports about its experience with Kloepfel Consulting:
the cooperation of our purchasing department with Kloepfel Consulting GmbH suited e.GO. It was agile, creative, goal-oriented and very successful.
Our board of directors realized early that e.GO can only offer the customer a low-cost e-car if the components are purchased cost-efficiently. The innovative product development at e.GO was to be combined from the very beginning with procurement optimized purchasing and unnecessary expenses should not even arise.
To rely on Kloepfel Consulting for this was the right decision. Kloepfel Consulting turned out to be a very reliable partner and supporter in building up our agile purchasing and sourcing. Mr. Pietrzak, as a link between Kloepfel Consulting and e.GO, has been an excellent partner.
Already in the potential analysis we were convinced by the announced savings possibilities. We also liked the different measures that were implemented. This applied to tenders as well as outsourcing projects up to capex purchasing. After three years of purchasing support in the development of our pioneer model e.GO Life, we have seen that Kloepfel Consulting keeps its promises.
Our procurement strategy of pre-developed parts with as little in-house development as possible was supported very intensively by your cooperation. This is one of the reasons why we were able to develop the e.GO Life three times faster than usual in the industry and at only one tenth of the usual costs.
At this point we would not like to forget the interpersonal component. You and your colleagues have always been pleasant, reliable and professional towards us, our suppliers and our customers. This was even more important because our vision for the suppliers is very important and had to be communicated accordingly. For our employees you were, as announced, “very pleasant temporary colleagues”.
On behalf of e.GO we would like to thank you once again for the pleasant and very successful cooperation. We will be happy to recommend you in the future and are available as a reference.
Next.e.GO Mobile SE
Christopher Willson
Tel.: +49 211 882 594 17