Customer interview with Stefan Blessing, Managing Partner
How long did it take you to find the right interim manager?
It went very quickly. After about two weeks, the interim manager from Kloepfel Consulting, Ludovic Montécot, started working for us.
In which position was Mr. Montécot assigned to you?
We have appointed him as interim procurement manager.
What tasks did he have with you?
Among other things, Mr. Montécot was responsible as main commodity group manager for the scheduling of our largest commodity groups wood, aluminum and steel. This involved a lot of operational tasks, such as triggering orders in the ERP system and negotiating the new conditions for future framework agreements. Another topic was team building measures to strengthen the team. The team and he did that very well, too.
Have purchasing processes been sustainably optimized?
Yes. Mr. Montécot has introduced tools in purchasing to avoid friction losses. For example, he built a complete Access database with the purchasing staff to track the status of orders and better understand the numbers of operational tasks. This has improved the overview of inquiries, tenders, purchase orders and order confirmations as well as order backlogs. This also enables Purchasing to better orchestrate its activities with other departments.
In addition, thanks to these overviews, prices can now be compared automatically. This allows us to see very quickly who the most favorable supplier is and where we need to follow up or renegotiate.
Then our procurement team, together with the interim manager from Kloepfel, introduced another database for product development. Now, when the engineering department, for example, develops a new product, all the departments involved have an overview of the material requirements and the status of procurement. Have the tasks of procurement been initiated? Who is responsible for what? Where is follow-up needed? As a result, our procurement process has become more efficient. To ensure that these databases are used in the future as well, Mr. Montécot spent one month familiarizing his successor with the topic.
How was the collaboration between procurement and sales?
We introduced a regular meeting called “Jour fixe” to ensure that the sales team is always aware of the procurement’s progress on each project.
How quickly was Mr. Montécot able to familiarize himself?
We were very impressed with how quickly he was able to get up to speed and propose solutions. Mr. Montécot’s experience was indeed a great asset for us. That’s why we extended his interim management from three to eight months.
Why would you recommend the Interim Management service from Kloepfel Consulting?
Because Mr. Montécot not only bridged a vacancy but also significantly improved our procurement processes in collaboration with the procurement team. He quickly and empathetically familiarized himself with our company.

About NOE-Schaltechnik: Formwork manufacturer since 1957
NOE-Schaltechnik operates on major construction sites such as the Ottendorf canal lock, the Swiss Life Arena in Zurich, the University Library in Amsterdam, or the Agricultural Chamber in Lower Saxony. The company’s work remains relatively unseen, yet it forms the foundation of structures, providing them with structure and shape. NOE-Schaltechnik is responsible for ensuring that concrete can be accurately poured into the designated areas during the construction process, ensuring top quality. With the reusable NOE Universal steel formwork, developed by Georg Meyer-Keller in the 1950s, the construction industry was able to execute projects faster, more resource-efficiently, and cost-effectively.
Kloepfel Group
Christopher Willson
Pempelforter Str. 50 | 40211 Duesseldorf
Tel.: 0211 941 984 33 | Mail: